Learning resources

The official documentation for the original hardware versions of the modules is the best place to get in-depth information about how they work.

See the "Further reading" and "Tutorial videos" sections for each module for additional learning material.

Communities of practice

//////// aka Lines is a nice place to discuss music making and music making tools and making tools for music. There is a Lines thread on this plugin. Some excellent and relevant lines threads include:

Check out the recordings of past flash crash livecoding events for examples of teletype in live performance.

The VCV Community Forum is a community of VCV Rack users and module developers of all experience levels. There is a thread for discussion of these modules there as well.

Building from source

See DEVELOPING.md on GitHub.

Reporting bugs

Create a new issue on GitHub here. Choose the template that matches your situation, and be sure to fill in all the requested information. Thank you! Clear and complete bug reports are a gift.